Synchronising surgical and non-surgical


On a recent deep dive, comedienne, and all-round-impressive-person, Katherine Ryan, concluded that the best age to get a (deep plane) facelift is 55. There are obvious caveats of health, genetics and aesthetic goals. As a celeb, Katherine is refreshingly open about the arena.

Surgical and non-surgical are friends. The two disciplines were best described to me as architecture and interior design. There’s only so far you can go with non-surgical interventions and life stage, equally a facelift won’t stop you frowning or define your lips appropriately.  I’m all for surgery when the time is right, and if it makes you happy.

With supporting intel suggesting that a surgical lift lasts a decade, the 55-year-old “sweet spot” makes sense. You can keep a consistent look from your forties onwards, maintaining your beauty as you ascend through your 70s and beyond.


So how do you keep a consistent look in the years leading up to, and post, surgery, should that, indeed be in your plan?


Skin health is paramount, and Autumn is the safe space to pick up the pace.

An excellent complexion is the most important element in maintaining a fresh appearance. Irrespective of genetics, the tone and texture of your skin is vital. If there’s damage to be undone, it’s doable, a monthly glow-up to maintain - easily managed.


Peel back damaged layers. If you’ve inadvertently fried your face over the summer, or easily pick up pigment, don’t worry. There’s a special VIPeel to deal with pigmentation and sun damage. Prescription Hydroquinone will deal with discolouration, whilst prescription retinol will prompt production of new collagen. Downtime is predictable and can be woven into your working week.


Resurface with Tixel. Cauterise crepey skin, especially around the upper and lower eyelids. There is downtime to budget for, but it’s well worth it. The heat delivered from the device takes away the top layer of wear and tear, whilst stimulating collagen production. This helps to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

Polynucleotides – a hero treatment in the skin health stadium. Manufactured to heighten healing is burns cases, PN’s lay down healthy skin from within. They trigger baby collagen and elastin as well as soothing the inflammatory cells (triggered by stress and a life fast lived) back to sleep. The results are amazing.


A stellar plan over the colder months is to peel one month, Tixel/resurface the next and then Polynucleotide. Annual big guns deployed – tick!


If you really can’t factor in the downtime, go for a session of lighter peeling followed by microneedling. Schedule for a Friday and you’ll be fit for purpose by Monday and glowing by the following Friday.


Lucy Banks Recommendations


Finding the balance