Women, not girls, rule my world…..

Women, now girls, rule my world. Prince knew!

In recent musings I’ve been considering the tightrope that is ageing, particularly as a woman (as things currently stand). Over numerous illuminating conversations, both the men and women I see, agree – “owning it” as an enlightened women-of-the- world, is a sexy and powerful formula. It’s sad that women in their 40’s and above are so conditioned to think things are going downhill. Women become juicer and sexier as they age and become more connected to who they are. Zero fucks given. It’s just conditioning! The French set a wonderful example. Look at their First Lady, Brigette Macron, absolutely rocking it at 70.

The message coming from you, and firmly echoed by me, is clear – you want to look your best - the end! The irony is when people (understandably but somewhat tragically) overshoot, trying to hold on too tightly and losing their essence in the process.

An area that scares many of you in this configuration is the lips. More of you seek hydration and softening than significant augmentation. I’ve harnessed Polynucleotides to meet this request, with lovely looking, and feeling, results.

When used in the lips, not only do they look naturally enhanced, but they take on a pleasantly plumped, delightful-to-kiss, sensation too. The ultimate result is your lips, flushed with your collagen. Personally, I’m delighted and encourage you to seriously look into the procedure.


The headlines:

  • PN’s are fragments of DNA (taken from salmon sperm) made into a gel that is injected.

  • They were originally used to heighten healing in burns cases.

  • They regenerate the skin by stimulating growth factor cells, calming inflammatory cells and ultimately stimulating Type 1 (young) collagen.

  • You’re left with your own natural volume and healthier looking skin (and may be used wherever you have skin).

Lucy Banks Recommendations


Seduce Yourself


A healthy approach to Non surgical treatments (and how to plan them)