Nefertiti Lift

From £650

The face has muscles that lift (elevators) and muscles that pull down (depressors).

These muscle groups have an antagonistic relationship, working against each other.

As we age, the downward pull of the depressor muscles becomes stronger. This contributes to a sad appearance at the mouth corners or an angry look between the brows, for example.

Ideally, we want the face to remain lifted, with positive angles (upturned mouth corners, a lifted brow and so on.).

By resting the downward pull, with some carefully placed Botox, it helps the elevator muscles with their job of lifting (without the opposition). This way we can improve the jawline and appearance of a “sad” mouth “witchy” chin and “angry” brow.

The Nefertiti lift entails a series of injections that takes into account the muscles of both the upper and lower face to give an overall lift and lighter appearance. This helps to relieve or prevent the negative signs of ageing.

At a Glance

Treatment Time

45 minutes




3 - 4 months

The Process

The face and neck are observed and palpated so that a map may be devised of where the Botox is best placed.

1. Assessment

The skin is cleansed and sterilised. Using multiple micro needles, botox is injected across the face and jawline to soften the downward pull of the depressor muscles and trigger the compensatory mechanism of the elevator muscles.

2. Injection

Frequently asked questions

  • Full effects are visible at:

    • 14 days for upper and lower face Botox.

    • 6 weeks for facial slimming.

  • Botox may initially reduce muscle activity, causing a “frozen” feeling. This usually softens over time, giving a more natural effect.

  • Avoid facials, massages, or facial treatments for 2 weeks after Botox to prevent the risk of the product moving to non-target muscles.

  • Botox can cause some muscles to relax at different rates, especially in the forehead. This can lead to certain areas being more active than others initially, but this will settle down.

Related treatments

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