Lucy Banks Treatments

Botox - Upper Face

To soften and lift the brow. A natural airbrush for etched or negative lines that imply stress and anxiety.

Botox Browlift

Lift and frame the eyes, for a wider, fresher, and more awake appearance.

Facial Slimming

Feminise the jawline by softening the masseter muscle for a more oval face shape.

Neck Bands

Soften the appearance of neck bands, encouraging a gentle lift as the downwards pull of the muscle is released.

Nefertiti Lift

Lift the face, improving jawline, mouth corners, and brow for a brighter and lighter look.

Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Eradicate excessive sweating and the anxiety it can trigger in social and professional settings.

Botox - Niche

Enhance the mid and lower face by lifting and softening with niche Botox treatments.

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Relax overworked jaw muscles, providing relief from teeth grinding and jaw tension.